Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Beating the Kids Up

This morning I beat the kids up, and it felt great. I can't wait to do it tomorrow. Now before you call the cops, let me explain.

When DS4 got up this morning for comfort it was 4:30am. (My kids take turns keeping me up at odd hours.) DS4 went back to sleep, but my body said wake up. So there I was at 5am, coffee freshly made, hot biscuits on a plate - it was time to catch up on my two chapters (okay 4 - I was behind, shut up) of "Wife After God's Own Heart" by Elizabeth George. Darned if it wasn't right there in the book, chapter 7 page 124 "You must beat the children up!" And by this she meant, of course, to wake up before everyone else in the house, sit quietly alone, read the Bible and pray for the day. So wow, I was already doing what she suggested! I'm ahead of the game!

I don't like being told what to do. I usually avoid self-help books. But in a way, I was already doing what she said since I beat the kids up before I read it. So you could say it was my idea first. And that makes it okay to try this for a while and let you know how it turns out. Do you know that I was showered, dressed, caught up with my Bible Study homework, and relaxed? I FINISHED MY COFFEE, read my novel, and even had time this morning to pack lunches and put away the dishes...who does that before 7am? It was only possible for me because I went to bed at a reasonable hour and didn't OD on caffeine the day before.

So let's try it. I don't think it is necessary to get up at 4:30 everyday, but maybe 5:30 or 5:45? You wanna beath the kids up tomorrow?

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